ANTCALC.ZIP 12,356 08-31-90 Calculate Dimensions Of Hf Wire Antennas
ANTDES.ZIP 58,944 04-18-90 Antenna Design Aid
ANTDL6WU.ZIP 21,642 12-08-93 ANTDL6WU v1.0 YAGI DESIGN program for 50mhz &up based on the work of Gunter Hock, DL6WU.Also designs T-match, coax baluns, & providessources of materials. By WA2TIF, K1DPP, &W1JOT. Written in Basic
ANTENNA.ZIP 27,706 05-11-93 Antenna Length for Wire Antennas
ANTENNA1.ZIP 7,165 06-13-91 Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 1: General
ANTENNA2.ZIP 5,979 06-13-91 Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 2: Low Hf
ANTENNA3.ZIP 4,771 06-13-91 Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 3: Middle Hf
ANTENNA4.ZIP 6,435 06-13-91 Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 4: Uhf/vhf
ANTENNAS.ZIP 97,938 06-06-94 Complete Anntenna Series By Wayne Sarosi,KB4YLY
ANTFO.ZIP 19,744 12-08-93 ANTFO v2.0 YAGI ANTENNA DESIGN program for144mhz & up based on the work of StevePowlishen, K1FO. Also designs baluns, andprovides sources for materials. Written inBasic by WA2TIF.
T2FD.ZIP 2,365 02-03-91 How To Make A Term Tilted Folded Dipole
TUNER.ZIP 2,924 10-30-92 How to build a simple antenna tuner
TVRO13.ZIP 202,857 02-14-95 TVRO ASSISTANT v1.3: Application forcalculating look angles, focal length, f/Dratio and declination for home satellite dishantennas. User-accessable database with up to100 satellites. DOS, 286 or greater, CGA or
VHF-YAGI.ZIP 1,384 10-30-92 Design a YAGI
VHFYAGI3.ZIP 2,153 12-30-91 Used to Design YAGI VHF Antennaes
WK_POLE.ZIP 72,087 02-17-93 This antenna project comes courtesy of VE4MJMThe files were received as faxes andconverted into .PCX format.
WNDIPOLE.ZIP 4,194 02-28-94 Simple Dipole Calculations For Windows, ByN4PVU
YA101PAT.ZIP 83,742 07-21-94 Yagi analyzer patch for YA v1.0
YAGICA.ZIP 102,616 06-23-91 Yagicad Yagi Design Program
YAGIMAX.ZIP 334,005 07-27-91 Yagi Antenna Design Program For Radio Hams
YAGIMAX1.ZIP 208,089 04-08-91 Yagi Ant Design Part 1
YAGIMAX2.ZIP 277,772 04-07-91 Yagi Ant Design Part 2
YAGIOPT.ZIP 197,076 10-30-92 Design and Optimize Yagi antennas